Pendidikan dan Pekerjaan Ibu terhadap Pemberian ASI

  • Tatarini Ika Pipitcahyani Poltekkes Surabaya


Abstract: This study aims to determine the relationship between education and mother's work to
breastfeeding. The research design used was analytic with a population of 17 mothers who had a 6-
month-old baby. Sampling used is total sampling. The research instrument used questionnaire sheet.
Data were analyzed using Fisher Test. Results obtained from 17 respondents ie 10 mothers (58.8%) gave
Exclusive breastfeeding and 7 mothers (41.2%) did not give Exclusive Breast Milk. Based on the results
of the results provided exclusive breastfeeding based on mother's education is the SMA as many as 5
people (50%) and the results given ASI Exclusive based on the mother's work is the IRT as many as 6
people (60%). Result of statistical test with Fisher Test result value (p) value 1.0 for education relation
with value of ASI and value (p) value 0,270 for job relation with breastfeeding with error level 0,05
result> 0,05 then hypothesis accepted book not there is a significant relationship between the Education
and the mother's work on the Exclusive Asi award.

How to Cite
PIPITCAHYANI, Tatarini Ika. Pendidikan dan Pekerjaan Ibu terhadap Pemberian ASI. Jurnal Informasi Kesehatan Indonesia (JIKI), [S.l.], v. 3, n. 2, p. 158-162, jan. 2018. ISSN 2615-5516. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 12 mar. 2025.