Kreativitas Pengembangan Formula Tempe Generasi Dua Di Kota Malang
Abstract: This study was aimed to explore second generation tempe consumption pattern of in Malang.
This study was descriptive qualitative.Tempeh consumption pattern was obtained from group of mother
of 6-59 months child with malnutrition and pregnant withchronic energy deficiency. In general, respondents
consumed tempeh almost everyday. Tempe products were prepared traditionally in form of snack
or protein source side dish. Tempeh processing is generally done by frying. Respondents have recognized
the new way of processing tempeh in form of second generations. Respondents living in the tempeh
industry area usedmore various ingredients and more complex methods of cooking. They also indicated
the ability to adopt new way of tempeh processing. Conclusion: People in Malang consumes tempeh in
two forms, ie. side dishes and snack traditionally processed mainly by frying. They may adopt new way
of tempeh processing.