Faktor Biologi dan Sesatan Hitung Taksiran Persalinan
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to analyse delivery prediction deviation compared to the real
delivery date. Research design was descriptive explorative with retrospective approach. The population
were all of the gravides who delivery at BPM and clinic at Malang Raya. Number of sample were
279 with random sampling technique. The result was the < 20-years-old women had deviation -5,3148+
14,227, male baby -3,716666667 + 9,01463 had deviation, and female baby -2,875 + 12,9317 had
deviation. Babies who weigh < 2500 g had deviation of -12 + 14,992. G IV mothers had -9 + 8,14248
deviation. In conclusion, gravide mothers can deliver the baby 2 weeks earlier or later.