Education Sadari as an Effort to Increase Knowledge and Skills in Early Detection of Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cells in the breast. The emergence of cancer cells occurs as a result of mutations or abnormal changes in the genes that are responsible for maintaining cell growth and keeping them normal (healthy). Breast cancer is a type of malignant disease that is very feared by women because breast cancer is in second place after cervical cancer. Breast cancer can be detected early by self-examination of the breast, clinical examination and mammography examination to find out early. BSE examination can be started early until it becomes a routine habit to detect breast cancer early. The aim of this service is to provide information about early detection of breast cancer by conducting breast self-examination. The method used in this community service activity begins with an opening and introduction of the resource persons, then continues with the delivery of health education material, a question and answer session to the participants and finally closing
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