Hubungan Tingkat Kecemasan Ibu Hamil dengan Keikutsertaan Vaksinasi Covid-19

  • Hening Ryan Aryani Poltekkes Kemenkes Malang
  • Widy Arum Permatasari Poltekkes Kemenkes Malang
  • Moh. Wildan Poltekkes Kemenkes Malang


One of the efforts to minimize the risk of exposure to COVID-19 in pregnant women is through COVID-19 vaccination. Even though vaccines for pregnant women have been recommended, there are still pregnant women who have not been vaccinated because of the post-vaccination effects and anxiety. The research objective was to determine the relationship between the anxiety level of pregnant women and their participation in the COVID-19 vaccination. The research design was quantitative with correlational analytic methods. A cross sectional approach was carried out on 42 pregnant women based on a purposive sampling technique. The instrument used was a modified Perinatal Anxiety Screening Scale (PASS) questionnaire. The research was conducted in March-May 2022. Data were analyzed using the chi-square test. The results showed that 17 out of 32 pregnant women (40.47%) who took the Covid-19 vaccine did not experience anxiety. Of the 10 pregnant women who did not participate in the vaccination, 8 (19%) experienced severe anxiety and 2 (4.8%) mild/moderate anxiety. The statistical test showed a ?value (<0.001) with a C value of 0.60, so it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between the anxiety level of pregnant women and participation in the COVID-19 vaccine with a high relationship between the two variables. Pregnant women are expected to search more information about the COVID-19 vaccine so that their anxiety about the vaccine can be resolved. Health workers can participate in approaching and involving families in educational efforts about the importance of vaccination.

How to Cite
ARYANI, Hening Ryan; PERMATASARI, Widy Arum; WILDAN, Moh.. Hubungan Tingkat Kecemasan Ibu Hamil dengan Keikutsertaan Vaksinasi Covid-19. Malang Journal of Midwifery (MAJORY), [S.l.], v. 4, n. 2, p. 114-123, oct. 2022. ISSN 2774-8650. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 oct. 2024. doi:

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